Service Ministries

Altar Society

This is a spiritual and social group of women whose main responsibility is the care and upkeep of the altar and the items used in worship. Meetings held the 1st Monday of the month unite all women in friendship for the love of God and to work for the spiritual and material good of the parish.

Catholic Daughters of America

This organization of women gives spiritual and apostolic service to the needy and participates in missionary work.


T.O.O.L. is a small Christian community within the framework of the larger Church. Five to Seven couples and a chaplain meet monthly to pray together, support one another, and discuss a study

topic. If you are interested in learning more about this international organization, please call the church office.

Cathedral Youth Group

The Youth Group sponsors various spiritual, social, and service events and activities. Youth activities available for both English and Spanish speaking children and teens.

The Knights of Columbus

This fraternal organization fosters vocations and provides contributions to the church, the schools, and to the needy. The Knights meet at 7:30 p.m. on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month at the K. C. Hall.

Legion of Mary

This group meets every Wednesday at 2 p.m. in the Cathedral Center for prayer and spiritual reading. Spiritual direction is provided by Father Devaraj Arulappa. All women are welcome. The Legion of Mary does apostolic and corporal works of mercy by visiting the sick and shut-ins, the sorrowing, or anyone to whom they can be of help.

Ministry of the Sick and Aging

Volunteers involved in this ministry take Communion to the homebound, and offer assistance and support to those shut-ins and their family members.

Catholic Mothers of Ministry

CMOMs is a service organization comprised of Catholic Moms who seek to serve God through the vocation of motherhood. CMOMs offers playgroups, adult and family socials, new friendships, a variety of ministry opportunities and much more!! We meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month.

Neighborhood Ministries 

Members of this group serve as contact persons for their neighborhood groups. They plan and coordinate various parish activities. Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month.

Parent Teacher Organizations (P.T.O.)

The purpose of this organization is to foster cooperation and understanding between the home and the school, to develop a closer spiritual as well as social relationship between the members, to advance the welfare of the Catholic school system, and to serve as an educational facility for its members.

Boy Scouts/ Girl Scouts

Several Scout groups are active within the parish for the social and service development of our young people. Information on the various groups can be obtained through the Catholic schools.

St. Vincent de Paul Society

This organization serves the community by giving aid to those in need. The Society gathers at 8:30 AM on the 1st Saturday of each month for Liturgy and a meeting.