Marriage Preparation

Because Christian marriage is a sacrament, the Catholic Church wants couples to be well-prepared. The Diocese of Tyler and the Cathedral Parish offer marriage preparation to help couples develop a better understanding of the sacrament, to evaluate and deepen their readiness to live the married life, and to gain insights into themselves as individuals and as a couple. Becuase the Church takes marriage so seriously, this is a required process. 

So that the "I do" of the spouses may be a free and responsible act and so that the marriage covenant may have solid and lasting human and Christian foundations, preparation for marriage is of prime importance. – Catechism of the Catholic Church 1632.

More than ever necessary in our times is the preparation of young people for marriage and family life. – Familiaris Consortio 66.

For questions, please contact our marriage formation coordinator Jodi Todd at (903) 592-1617 x 130. 

Congratulations on your Engagement! “Now what do we do?”

Call Your Parish (9-12 months before the wedding)

Call as soon as you get engaged! A member of the parish staff will schedule a meeting with you to discuss your wedding preparations as soon as possible.

Initial Meeting (9 months before the wedding)

At this meeting, you’ll learn about the formation process for the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony, the necessary paperwork for your marriage, and set your tentative wedding date.

Couple Inventory (7-8 months before the wedding)

The couple inventory provides you with a personalized profile of your relationship. Your parish will set this up for you, and upon completion, they will help you schedule the follow-up session to review your results.

Witness to Love (7-8 months before the wedding)

You will be asked to choose your own marriage mentor couple who will accompany you during your formation and throughout your first few years of marriage using the Witness to Love model. You will have several meetings with them in the time leading up to your wedding, and they will continue to be a support to you in the years to come!

Three to Get Married Retreat (6-7 months before the wedding)

This retreat weekend will be an opportunity for you to grow closer to Jesus Christ and to one another. Here you will build on the topics you have discussed with your Pastor and your Mentor Couple, with a special focus on the theology of Catholic marriage and other teachings of our Catholic faith. Click the link below for a schedule of upcoming retreat weekends.

Natural Family Planning (5-6 months before the wedding)

NFP respects the love-giving and life-giving purposes of marriage and enriches the bond between husband and wife. This course gives couples a natural approach to understanding the cycles of fertility and infertility. Course listings may be found on the St. Philip Institute website.

Final Meeting (2 months before the wedding)

This meeting will review your previous preparation, complete all your paperwork, and plan your wedding liturgy. You’re getting close to celebrating this beautiful sacrament!

Sacrament of Reconciliation (1 week before the wedding)

Catholics preparing for the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony are encouraged to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Reconciliation and the Eucharist are invaluable sources of grace and healing. Celebrate this sacrament with your spouse-to-be!

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