FormsInquirer Form for Christian Initiation (RCIA) Children's Inquirer Form for Christian Initiation (RCIA) ScheduleChristian Initiation for Adults |
Christian Initiation (RCIA) is for anybody over the age of seven who is interested in the Catholic faith who are either not baptized or were baptized in another Christian denomination. Sessions in English are held every Thursday night from 6:30 to 8:00 PM in the Cathedral Center. No commitment is made to become Catholic by attending the sessions. If you missed a class or like to read more or watch a class presentation please click here.
Peggy Hammett |
FormsCall office HorarioIniciación Cristiana(RICA) para Adultos
La Iniciación Cristiana es el servicio que ofrece la Iglesia a cualquier persona que no es Católica y que este interesado a entrar en plena comunión con y ser parte de la Iglesia Católica. Ligue al Calendario de Iniciación Cristiana Teresa Ramirez