- Catholic Diocese of Tyler
- Tyler Catholic School Foundation
- St. Gregory Cathedral School
- Bishop T.K. Gorman Catholic School
- The Holy See
- Knights of Columbus Council 1502
Imagine being part of an organization that fills your heart and your mind with the joy of giving to others and the feeling that comes with making a difference. The Knights of Columbus will be serving the Tyler Church for almost 100 years soon. If interested in becoming a Knight call 903-530-5637 or click on this link.
- Peter Kreeft
Featuring the writing and work of Peter Kreeft.
- Catholic Answers
A lay-run apologetics and evangelization organization based in California.
- Catholic Outlook
Site dedicated to explaining the Catholic faith to Protestants.
- Catholic Society of Evangelists
Worldwide volunteer lay apostolate dedicated to helping active Catholics grow in the faith, bringing former Catholics home and providing solid information to searching non-Catholics.
- Christifideles Pizza and Theology Society
Catholic support group focusing on Catholic apologetics and evangelization.
- Coming Home Network
Catholic converts reaching out to Protestants.
- Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples
Various documents from the Roman curia related to spreading the faith.
- Nazareth Resource Library
Specializes in apologetics, the Bible and theology. Includes information on the Church hierarchy, Vatican, Pope, Rites, Catholic beliefs and sources, customs and conversion.
- Scripture Catholic
More than 2,000 Scripture citations from the Old and New
Testaments that explain and defend Catholic Church teachings.
- St. Joseph Catholic Radio & Books, Tapes, Apologetics
A non-profit volunteer lay apostolate dedicated to
explaining and clarifying Catholic beliefs and practices.
- Stay
Essays and articles demonstrate the Biblical case for Catholicism.
- There We Stood, Here We Stand
Thought-provoking testimonies by 11 former
Lutherans who found their way to the Catholic Church.
- Catholic Online
Catholic Community -- The Worldwide Catholic Search Engine
- Texas Catholic Historical Society
- Texas Catholic Conference
- Felipe Natera Photography- Confirmation/ Sacramental Pictures