Divorce Ministry

A program for separated and divorced Catholics

Journey of Hope is a special program addressing the concerns of separated / divorced Catholics.  It offers support and addresses important issues that arise as a result of a divorce.  The strong emphasis on prayer, Scripture, and Church teaching leads to healing and a better relationship with Christ.  Some of the topics discussed.

  • How Do I Deal with my anger?
  • Why Does God Allow Divorce to happen?
  • What does the Church say About Divorce? 
  • What Is an Annulment?
  • Can I Receive the Sacraments?
  • How Do I Deal with My Children?
  • Do I need to let go and do I have to forgiven?
  • Am I Still a Loveable person? And more...

WHERE: Cathedral Center Room 2

TIME: 6:30-8:00 PM

DATE: Every Tuesday Night beginning August 23


Pennye Rhodes
at pennye.rhodes@gmail.com
or call 806-441-2108

Please contact Pennye before August 5 to secure your spot.

Or click here to visit the website.